Tuesday, December 10, 2019

International Management for Big Five Personality - myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theInternational Management for Big Five Personality Model. Answer: Introduction Career development requires putting into consideration several things that are in one way or the other connected towards ensuring for progress and success. I had to take a test and establish my personality traits that give me more information about the careers in which I can perform better. I possess outstanding values like communication and decision making that influence the way I carry out different strategies. Emotional intelligence is also an important factor when it comes to individuals education or career development as it strategizes on confidence and motivation. Leadership and power come hand in hand in ensuring that group projects are done appropriately and in accordance to the way that brings success to a project. Any decision made in the course of an individuals life should follow strategic planning and consideration to ensure for positive impacts in the present or the future. Insights about my personality using the Big Five personality model? Different people react differently toward a similar event or activity, showing the variations in personalities(Zhao 2006). I decided to take a career test using the big five personality theory and understand the kinds of implications from the test. Before taking this test, I always thought of myself in a very different manner according to how I wanted to be like. However using the big five, I managed to categorize my personality under key traits judging from the way I carry myself around work and relating to others. Openness is one of these traits that I posses because am always ready to learn new things and consider creativity to be a key concept in life(McAdams 2006). It is also clear from my career themes that I have a wide rand of interests because they range under doing and implementing, and communicating and helping(Baniya 2017). I am also conscientious due to my traits of organization and thorough when dealing with any issues. The other important aspect I realized was that I h ave the agreeableness trait which is defined because of my social and cooperative nature. The model is a sign that personality is defined by an individuals daily activities. The way we relate to ourselves and to others has a lot to do with our outcome in the personality tests because all these factors are considered(Walker 2002). I learnt that I had the ability to do any jobs in the doing and implementing as well as in communicating and helping which are the categories I got the most recommendations. I am therefore working towards attaining the required skills to help me secure a good job in these categories. Values and Motivators Every individual has their ways of dealing with different situations in life and I realized that I have some outstanding values and attitudes towards my daily activities. Planning, leadership, communication, decision making, need to progress and appreciation are some of the issues that I qualify most. I usually like to plan my activities early in advance to avoid any forms of confusion especially in a school or work environment(Avey 2011). Planning involves making a schedule or a time plan and strictly following it to ensure that all the necessary activities are put into consideration. Leadership is also another issue which to me involves taking control of the issues around me and ensuring that they dont put me down but instead act as motivation in the progress of any project(Gregory 2009). I also have certain leadership skills and I usually find myself holding high positions due to my social traits. Communication is key when it comes any real life interactions and I like to pass my intention to the necessary parties to avoid any kind of confusion and misunderstanding. Inappropriate communication leads to chaos especially in a group project or organization as everyone has their views on how to handle a particular situation. I therefore like to involve the people around me and get to understand their perspectives first. Decision making is an important aspect when it comes to the values of an individual and I usually take into consideration all the internal and external factors surrounding an aspect before coming into conclusion. I am usually the kind that likes to listen to other people and then use all the issues raised together with my thinking to come up with an informed decision. My biggest motivator is the need to see improvement and growth in any aspect of life. For example in school, I work hard knowing that the more efforts I put the better my chances are to improve. I therefore work looking forward to the future and the things that might emerge from it(Rynes 2004. ). My other motivator is appreciation and this keeps me going as I know there will be more. Everyone loves to be recognized for the work they do as it enables them gather more energy and knowledge to do better. I perform better if I am appreciated and rewarded for working hard, It is however not a mandatory requirement for perform ance but its inclusion make everything better. Emotional intelligence Every individual should strive hard to attain a stable position whereby they are aware of their emotions, can control them and also be able to relate well with others in times of trials. I have examined myself and I can state that I try as much as possible to ensure that my emotional status does not influence the way I view life in a negative direction(Kafetsios 2004). One thing I have achieved is self awareness in that I can assess my personal emotions and decide on how to handle them. The best way to take care of ones emotions is to first recognize that they exists and plan on maintaining them properly. Self confidence comes as a result of emotional awareness as you already know your strengths and weaknesses and hence come up with the best strategies of dealing with them(Mayer 2008). Self regulation is the second ability I have realized due to the way I deal with problems at a personal level. I am now able to control my feelings at a personal and public level and hence ensure that they do not negatively impact on me or others. This ability has also enabled me to adapt to hard situations and being innovative in problem solving. Thirdly, I am also self motivated and try to be optimistic in every situation so as to strive for the best in everything. Fourth, empathy enables me to treat others in such a way that it does not affect their motivation by understanding them. It is my aim to build others by giving them hope in their social and emotional lives which improves productivity. On the same case, I am service oriented as I feel good when others are happy and celebrating because of something that I facilitated. Diversity is key too and I acknowledge its existence knowing that each individual wants their views heard and protected in any social interaction(Leban 2004). Finally, my social skills are also something to consider as I have the ability to freely interact and cooperate with others for a good course. I also have the ability to influence and lead people for the sake of spreading my ideas to others. I can engage in conflict resolution and management of a team setting as I believe in setting a path for change. Leadership A leader is someone who desires for change, progress, one who is ready to share ideas with others and does not even have to be in a leadership position. I however find myself holding important positions in school, work and social interactions that I conduct. I take a leader to be someone who can consider the views of all the parties involved and bring them together. Leaders unite people and not cause rifts between those of a contrary opinion(Connelly 2000). I admire people who are able to listen even to the smallest kid in a group and put their views into consideration. Anyone in this position should not take other people for granted and make decisions that only favor them. Leaders should be ready to implement something even if they do not support it as long as it helps people become better. Judging from the positions I have been given in the past, I was able to make participaroty decisions that involve all the members. They do not usually favor everyone but they need to have a future view that will help others even time after the decisions(Mumford 2007). I have also been able to change peoples negative views concerning certain issues in life by introducing different measures in handling life. It is hard to create change as a leader because those below you might not follow your guidelines. A leader does not force people to adopt a change but rather make them feel to change(Wong 2002). The best way I managed to initiate change is by showing the good results of doing a certain thing hence encouraging people to try out new things. Power and Politics Power and politics is a different aspect from leadership as it emphasizes the ability to convince more people or influence them to follow a certain path. I find politics quite committing as an individual has to invest their time, effort and even funds to conduct their activities(Kotter 2010). The only ways to influence is to either come up with good ideas or reward people to follow you. The latter is usually the most applicable in the contemporary society as everyone is trying to give all the knowledge and views they have concerning particular aspects. The one with more resources ends up having the greatest followers and influence in a certain setting of the society(Vecchio 2007). It is however best to influence because of good ideas instead of money and resources. I have been around politicians whose ideas seemed to only focus on fame and power instead of change and progress. I however admire to see politicians who influence people towards the positive direction in terms of their so cial lives and progress. I have been in an influential position before and I can admit that it is the most challenging in terms of decision making. If you happen to make a decision that only pleases a part of the group, then you no longer represent the whole team(Elias 2008). An individual in power therefore needs to use other strategies to influence more people. I preferred to use persuasion and convincing using some of my team members in support of my good course. A politician at the end of the day has to be a leader to ensure that everything goes as expected. Decision making and planning Looking through my personality checkup from the previous session, I think that I am a good planner and decision maker. The career themes model even placed planning and organization among the groups of jobs that I can perform well. A decision is not made depending on what is at stake at the moment of the event. It is important to look through the situation more carefully before coming up with any conclusions(Venkatesh 2000). I usually place my answers after examining the issue at hand and considering the implications it might bring. I like to do a lot of research before making a decision to know the past of the issue and possible impacts in the near or distance future. Decisions should also be consulted in any case to ensure that it favors the team involved in one way or the other(Cervero 2005). When I am in charge of anything, it is my wish to involve all the people in the decisions to ensure that they are implemented to the fullest(Chermack 2004). When at a personal level, decisions are usually easy to make because it is only my view that I need to complete the task. I therefore gauge both sides of a choice and determine the one that has more benefits and permanent impacts to my plans. I have to research and even ask people are it is not too personal because peoples perspectives might be helpful. However the final decision is mine and I do not allow anyone to influence me towards making it since it will directly affect me. Planning is an important factor that affects almost all the activities of an individual either in the positive or the negative way. I usually sit down and think about all my desires, activities and expectations. It is then that I come up with a schedule and include all my activities to ensure that none is left out. An early plan ensures that you allocate time, effort and resources to conduct each activity and ensure for success at the end of the day. Planning therefore hand in hand with decision making as I usually prepare and strategize my activities before coming deciding on anything. Conclusion Professional development is a process that must consider all the actions in an individuals life by connecting them with the impacts they might cause. A potential good employee is usually considered to be the one whos emotional, social and political aspects show good signs of progress(Turner 2005). I therefore feel that I am qualified to perform my duties as a learner or employee considering my personality and skills as well. A recommendation for all the firms seeking for employees is that they must always look at the interests of an individual in connection to their skills and experiences. 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